Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I am honored to be included in, the 'Women Artists' studio portraits by Kurt Fishback!

Infamous photographer Kurt Fishback is working on a special project, Woman Artists portrait series. The first of the series is now showing at the Archival Framing and Art Gallery, Sacramento, CA.

I am so excited to have the pleasure of working with Kurt and being a part of this series. His next series with be shown at the Transmission Gallery in Oakland, CA

Kurt captures the personality and essence of each woman artist. He is a magic with the camera. It becomes an art collaboration between the two.

Make sure you check out this show, I am in great company with 30 talented Women Artists!

I believe this project is so important and there is not enough acknowledgement of women artists in this world, although I have seen it improve greatly through my life. But, when I ask the question
 "Can you name 5 famous women artists?", the average response is they can name two women at the most, and then they will name paintings by men of women subjects.

So, kudos to Kurt for doing this awesome project!

Kurt also has other wonderful Art photography. Be sure to check out all his wonderful work on his website  http://fishbackphotography.com/ and to view the other women artist portraits in the series.

Thank you Kurt!  And congratulations on your wonderful project!  
Susan Hargrove 2014