Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Susan Hargrove artist at the Hanson Howard Gallery, Ashland, Oregon

A dream come true for me. I grew up in Ashland, Oregon. I have admired the Hanson Howard Gallery for many years, with the dream of someday having a show there.The Crows and Ravens look great and right at home in the gallery space

The Artist's Reception at the Hanson Howard Gallery, 89 Oak Street, Ashland, Oregon was a fun and exciting event Friday evening. The temperatures were above normal for the valley, Hot, Hot, Hot. But, it didn't stop the art lovers from coming out to see my colorful, fun, Crows and Ravens show. 

Judy, the gallery's owner, artist,and retired art teacher, has a beautiful, inviting space. I am so happy with the way she arranged the artwork. I have always admired her and her, gallery. The quality of the artists and artwork has always been outstanding.
 Crows and Ravens
I am so happy to be showing here in Ashland, Oregon! I grew up here, many moons ago, My Dad worked at the, then called, Mark Anthony Hotel, it is now called the Ashland Springs Hotel.  It will always be the Mark Anthony Hotel to me. It is a beautiful old hotel, with lots of history. My Dad, John Hargrove and I lived there in the Hotel. Dad was the Maintenance and Security man there. The elevator was still hand operated, and had a bell boy operating it. We would go downstairs to the restaurant after it was closed to make milk shakes and ice cream sundaes.  I would walk down the street a few blocks to the Twin Plunges Pool and swim everyday all summer long. The pool is no longer there, but the memories are. Every street I go down I have memories. It's bitter sweet, my sister, Carrie Hargrove passed away suddenly over a year ago and most of the memories are with her and our middle sister, Connie Hargrove, who lives in Palm Springs.  The Hargrove girls, we had so much fun together, such good memories.  I have always wanted to move back to Ashland, but, I have my children and grandboys in Sacramento,CA and I can't get them up here!!!!!

If you are in the area please stop by and check the show out and leave your comment, love to hear from you! The show will be up through the month of July.


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